#deity work 101
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cordeliahrose · 2 years ago
Reaching Out To A New Deity
I've recently decided to reach out to Dionysus, who I've not worked with before, and it inspired me to write this post.
Reaching out to a new deity can be a little scary. Especially if you've never worked with a deity before. Many people get stuck on what the best way to reach out is, what the best offering is, whether they've done enough research or not, and even whether or not the deity will want to work with them.
So, here is a little bit of a guide on reaching out to a deity. I would like to specify here that this is the way I personally do it, and it is definitely not the only way. This post was also written in the moment, so it might be formatted differently than my planned and edited posts.
What do I do first?
The first thing you should do, before even reaching out to a deity, is research. Now, I don't mean go overboard, there's always time for learning more. But before reaching out, you should have a good idea of who the deity in question is.
For me, this is usually creating a sort of master page on them in a notebook. I write down their most popular myths, what they're the deity of, their epithets or titles, associations, offerings, and devotional acts. This usually starts out with pretty short lists, and as I start working with them I add more on.
So what next?
Next is planning. By now, you should have a decent idea of who the deity is, and can start planning how you'll reach out. What offerings will you give? What will you say? Will there be a candle?
I like to make first contacts formal. This typically means lighting a candle, giving a pretty elaborate offering, some type of music or ambient sound that's associated with them, I cleanse myself and the space and myself beforehand. I am only this formal for the initial introduction unless I know the deity in question prefers me to be more formal with them.
The process I use:
First, cleanse the space you're in, as well as yourself. Ground yourself, and take some deep breaths.
Light the candle, and invite the deity in. Set out your offerings, and let them know that it's for them.
Introduce yourself. Tell them your name, some things about you, why you want to work with them or why you reached out. Whatever feels right.
Sit like this for a while. Acknowledge the things you feel, hear, and smell. When you're ready to end the interaction, thank them and put the candle out.
How do you know if they want to work with you?
This depends on you, and also the approach you're taking.
The Approach
If you just want to work with them, towards a goal of some sort, you might ask them if they'd like to work with you after your introduction. In this case you would also state what you wish to work on or towards with them.
If you want to honor them, but not work with them, then asking at all isn't necessary. You're just honoring them, not asking for things from them.
There's also the approach I take. Most of the time, when I reach out to a deity, it's with the intention of working with them after I've built a bond with them through honoring them. So, I don't ask at all. The only exception to this has been Lucifer, who is the only deity I've reached out with that I work with but don't honor outside of that. Yet, anyway.
There are many ways to understand if a deity wants to work with you.
Use divination when asking them. The simplest would be a yes or no form of divination, such as a pendulum or coin flip.
You can ask for a sign and pay attention for the next few days. This includes dreams as well. You could also ask for a specific sign.
You might also just feel the answer in the moment. Or even hear it in your head. This is way more common in people who have been working on their psychic senses.
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isuckmorethanjustblood · 1 year ago
witchcraft / deity work on a budget
if you, like me, don't have a lot of money but still want to practise witch craft / give offerings to your deities, here's some general tips on how you can do all that on a budget:
you don't need to burn a whole stick of incense or a whole spell candle at once. in fact, if you light a candle or incense with a specific intent and then burn it over the course of a couple of days, it might actually be more effective. unless you're using it to banish / get rid of something, then it might be better to burn it all in one go.
on that note, you don't need fancy spell candles, a tea light with a sigil carved into it can be enough
if you want to give food offerings but can't afford to waste / not eat food, you can just invite your deity to sit with you as you eat or you can put certain ingredients associated with your deity into your food, like for example wine for dionysus. or you can give them a small crumb of your food or a small sip of your drink to symbolise a whole meal. a lot of deities will also accept simple things like water or olive oil as offerings.
also: offerings don't need to be physical, you can perform certain actions in your deities name, just look up devotional acts for your deity, there's tons of useful stuff out there.
doing creative things like writing your own prayers or making devotional art is actually probably better than most physical offerings, since you put a lot of effort and time into it and its something personal to you. it doesn't even need to be good, you just need to put love and effort into it. this is especially good for deities who rule over the arts.
if you can't buy a whole tarot deck, theres lots of free online versions you can use, or you can use a simple deck of playing cards as a substitute.
anything you find outside can be magical, you don't need to buy any spell ingredients.
feel free to add onto this if you have more tips!!!
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witch-undercover-agency · 5 months ago
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majorproblems77 · 8 months ago
fukkit it is 5am for me and I'm just gonna be silly. "Fierce Deity" and "Cake"
5am! Go back to bed?!
Thank you very much! :D
Fierce deity and Cake!
Having a deity in your head had it's advantages if you asked Time. One, you were never alone. there was always someone to look after you. Two, his friend has unmatched strength, he could protect his people if for some reason he couldn't.
And three.
Gods, dont have allergies.
You can't eat this it's got dairy in it. The voice in his head sounded. there he was. Fierce.
"I run a dairy farm. Fierce." He said. Looking down at the slice of cake in front of him. The rest of the team would be along. Having opted to stay behind to care for their stuff as they went into town for supplies. "If you are so worried why dont you eat it?"
Because it's your body I cohabitate. If you go down I do too. I can't protect my charges or your brothers as you call them if I am stuck in bed because someone thought it would be a good idea to eat something they were allergic to.
"It's not an allergy it's an intolerance."
And you are behaving like a child for a slice of cake.
"Wild made it for Sky and I am the only one who hasn't eaten it. It would upset him."
Why do I bother?
"Because you care."
I do. Too much sometimes.
When he inevitably found himself sick later, all he could hear was the told you so's of the deity in his head.
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corvidae-witch · 7 months ago
HI, I'm a new witch and I've been seeing a lot of witches on tumblr worshiping deities and gods/goddesses from mythology which I didn't know was included among practicing witches. I knew there are deities in witchcraft like the triple moon goddess, but is it required to do research on deities? What are the most important things to research and know about to practice witchcraft and which are optional? Thank you for leaving an open space to ask questions!
hi there!
i do not personally work with any deities, but i will answer your first question to the best of my ability.
deity work is indeed popular among witches, and people can follow one or more pantheons (e.g. greek, roman, norse). this is not a requirement by any means.
if you are interested in working with a deity, i highly recommend doing research (what they represent, their stories and lore, etc.) before diving into anything.
as for your second question, the only thing i can think of to recommend researching before anything is protection magic. it is good to know how to defend yourself.
witches have varying paths of practice, so others may have other recommendations for beginner witches.
if anyone from the dash would like to add to this, feel free!
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 11 months ago
oh how i love my two special interests *checks notes* stray kids and witchcraft
can i somehow honor the gods with it? yes i absolutely can
by writing crack text fics with stray kids members
starred by:
Han Jisung Aphrodite and Dionysus devotee (were going straight for some rose wine with this one)
Lee Minho Bastet devotee (you fuckin know why dancing✔️ cats✔️ his vibes✔️)
Yang Jeongin Marzanna devotee (i love the vibes i feel like he would vibe with a death deity)
Lee Felix Apollo devotee (hes dealing with his trauma! kid just do your shadow work)
Bang Chan aka the dad of the group (currently no deities attached he has 7 kids to raise tho)
Seo mfuckin Changbin (he just wants to chill and do pizza cuddle fridays with Seungmin)
Hwang Hyunjin (currently only devoted to Felix)
Kim Seungmin (bought a hex book from some older russian lady and now he wants to fight everyone)
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damoreschool · 2 years ago
You forgot sex, various forms of which can definitely be a devotional act, and also sharing food or drink with a deity or entity. Other physical sacrifices are possibilities as well, such as giving them some oil or herbs or lighting and burning a candle for them, or a combination of all three (rolling the candle in oil and dressing with herbs, then burning).
Devotional Acts - What are they and what do I do?
Hello! If you've wandered into deity or spirit work sects of the magical community then you've probably encountered the phrase "devotional act" at some point.
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To some folks, this may be obvious, but to plenty of us starting out we had no clue what "devotional acts" were or how to do them. Here's a quick guide to get you started!
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What is a Devotional Act?
Thankfully it breaks down easily!!
Devotional: of or used in religious worship. Act: take action; do something; behave a certain way
So put this together and we get acts that you do as a way of worship! You can do these actions as offerings to whatever entity you're devoted to or even as a one-time offering to a being you don't usually work with.
This is often a way of thanking the being you're interacting with or is used to appeal to or petition an entity for their power or wisdom.
Examples of Devotional Acts
Now, the type of devotional act is going to vary based on who or what you're devoting said act. However, I've compiled this short and non-exhaustive list for you to check over and perhaps take inspiration from!
Work out/exercise
Create art
Recite poetry
Clean up and maintained areas relevant to or protected by the entity
Listen to music that reminds you of the being
Spend time with them
This is a very simple and basic list, if you want to get more detailed ideas please look into the lore and mythology of the entities you work with or are trying to petition or talk to others who work with them. You can also simply ask the being yourself what they would like you to do!
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thegreatwicked · 11 months ago
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This obviously needed its own post and here it is, a collection of blog posts and resources I have found and used for my own writing, I hope they help you too! Go forth and write that spice!
The Smut Writers Dictionary By @maybeeatspaghetti Seriously, how many different way are there to write cock? Does anyone else wonder if they've used the word 'lips' too many times? Well, this is a good place to start!
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut This is the first one I found and I go back to it frequently! There's also some great information about specific areas of sex that may not be common knowledge for first time writers!
How to Write Smut By @urfriendlywriter Another great source of information from different verbiage to use and a few tips to hel you along (giggity)
Smut Thesaurus By @prurientpuddlejumper just what it sounds like and you can never have too many words at your disposal.
6 Steps to Writing Better Sex By @chaoschaoswriting If you're at a loss or just want some more help this is antoher fantastic blog!
Writing Prompts NSFW By @seidenbros Need some dialogue? Or a story idea? Have a look!
#100 NSFW/Smut Dialogue Prompts By @a-cure-for-writers-block More? More. This is also a fantastic writing blog with lots to offer!
Intimate + Sexual Headcannon Questions By @petalsprompts Good questions to ask your characters to get to know them better and make more well rounded characters!
Smut & Mature (18+) Master List By @pendarling A great list dialogue prompts, scenarios, and helpful bits!
Poly NSFW Alphabet By @smaoineamhsalach Another great way to get to know your characters and maybe a handful of ideas for story ideas.
Kink Prompts Another from the previous blogger above and I didn't know what half of these are! I'll work on a kink dictionary next!
Writing Smut 101: Overcoming Smut Shame @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 There's a lot to be said for this particular subject! It's hard to write stuff like this, so how do you get over it? Start here!
How to Write a Kiss Scene By @youneedsomeprompts Yes!!! I still struggle with this one! There's a thousand ways to kiss, find your favorite!
Smut Oneliners By @deity-prompts you can never have enough one-liners!!
How to Write a (Great) Sex Scene Another great article for new smut writers
9 Tips for Writing Steamy Scenes More tips to help you wirte good steamy stuff!
How to Write Erotica and a Damn Fine Sex Scene A WEALTH if information on writing, structuring, and helpful tips!
@saradikahas a fantatic blog with graphics for you to use to add some fun to your posts. Things like MDNI Banners, 18+ Content Warnings, Support Your Favorite Writers and Reblog banners! They are free to use but she does ask that you reblog her stuff if you do! She's also a very talented writer and she writes some AMAZING Din Djarin stories!
Gay Sex Positions Guide This is a WONDERFUL adition and thank you so much @b7bubby for bringing this to my attention, I didn't have any resources for writing M/M fairings but this is a much needed addition to the spicy community! i've never written an M/M pairing and I feel like such an idiot for overlooking the need for a resource like this!
Writing the Perfect Kiss Scene provided by @writers-potiona fantastic little guide to writing better kisses!
If you find any other great smut writing resources feel free to tag me so I can add them to this list! Good luck with your writing! Now go write that story and LET THE SPICE FLOW!!!!
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sugucidal · 2 years ago
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CHAPTER i. [3k words]
୨୧‬┊pairing: toji fushiguro x fem! reader
୨୧‬┊synopsis: with winter break having rolled around the corner, you’ve decided to spend it with your family back at home. it felt nice being back after 2 years away at university. you just wish your mom had told you that a certain guest was visiting. one that you hadn’t expected to ever have to face again.
୨୧‬┊warnings: fluff! + age gap (reader is 19 and toji is 34) + taboo content (cause what’re u doin tryna get tojis middle aged ass in ur bed smh) + slice of life kind of (??) + suggestiveness + humor + reader is in her winter bimbo era + toji is…toji. + no smut yet sorryy + slight slowburn + everything is legal! no ones going to jail!
୨୧‬┊a/n: first chapter woohooo !!! second chapter will finally be coming out on [redacted] <3
‪MAIN POST | part i. > part ii. > part iii.
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Tugging at the sleeves of your jacket further down your hands, you let out an exhale, nerves set ablaze. The typical cool spring air was colder than usual this particular night out, sun having already set and moon shining up into the dark, starry sky.
Fiddling with the hem of your mini skirt, you gazed up, doe eyes glinting heatedly up at the man you've harbored adoration towards.
You were finally gonna confess.
"I want you."
The simple words that held so much weight filled the space between you both.
A sigh in response. Oh no. You already knew what was coming, but you hoped to any deity or god from above that it wouldn't turn out this way.
"Kid, you're way too young for me." The smoke blowing past his lips wafted through the stiff air, his scar pulling at the corner of his mouth in dismay. "If you were older maybe I'd consider it. Wouldn't bet on it though, since you're such a pain in the ass to deal with."
You let his words hang momentarily, trying to come up with a sufficient rebuttal. You knew he was only playing when he said you were a pain to deal with but it still stung your heart to hear it coming from him. But you weren't gonna give up that easily. You've had a crush on this man ever since he moved into the neighborhood years ago!
What started out as innocent puppy love slowly built its way into this desire, stemmed deep at the heart the older you got. You'd watch as he invited women into his home late into the hours of the night, clinging onto him like a leech in a body of lakewater. God, how you wish it was you he'd have brought into his home on those late nights. Lustfully gazing down at you with promises of this being the best you'll ever have, one you'd be thinking back on until the day you die.
He knew exactly just how much you craved for his touch. It wasn't hard to see that he felt the same, you could see it in the way he'd glance in your direction whenever you purposely wore something revealing, hoping to catch his eye. He told you that you shouldn't wear things like that at your age around men, that they were dangerous, intentions impure. As if he wasn't one of those men he was warning you about. But despite it all, he always looked the other way. Kept a boundary of barbed wire up, no way of climbing through. Frankly, it was annoying.
You hate when people play hard to get.
"So...you mean once I'm 18, you'll take up my offer?" If he couldn't get with you because you were 'too young' then surely he'd concede if you were legally an adult...right?
"Not exactly what I said, but sure," Taking one last final drag of his cigar, he stomped it out onto the pavement, sharp eyes gazing at you discerningly one last time before turning the other way.
"Whatever gets you off my case."
That was the last time you spoke with Toji and almost 2 years have gone by since then. The rejection after the confession hurt no doubt, but the avoidance of Toji towards you afterwards, hurt like salt to a fresh wound.
You rarely saw him after that, suddenly out for weeks to months at a time for work. Sometimes he'd come by when he was free and have idle chats with your parents any time they saw him down the neighborhood. Not bothering to spare a polite greeting or glance in your direction whenever you were present. What used to be a strong bond between family friend and their doting daughter, having met him at an early age, quickly turned awkward and tense, distance overtaking whatever there once was.
You regret talking to him that night every single day.
Unfortunately, you couldn't bring back the past and fix your fuck up. On the other hand, the days of being immature and bratty were long gone. Having been replaced by someone more mature and less dense.
Living off pre-packaged noodles and staying up till 6 am finishing up assignments for your university classes due the next hour, does that to a person you suppose.
Now with winter break finally having rolled around the corner, you were able to get that good night's sleep your exhausted ass had been craving for. And the home cooked meals your mother had waiting for you was certainly appreciated as well.
Lugging your bags up the front steps to your parents' quaint home, you took a quick look at the classic 'welcome home' mat under your feet that you were sure still hid a key underneath. Lifting the corner of the mat your suspicions were confirmed.
You'd think they'd realize how unsafe this could be one of these days.
Before you could place the key through the silver lock, you were instead met with the distinct sound of hard, oak wood doors being unlocked and swung open.
"Baby, you're finally home! Get in quickly, come on now." Your mother hastily ushered you in, calling over your father to help carry your bags further inside the warmth of your home. The key you held was quickly dropped on the small table near the entrance, and the door kicked shut. The signature smell of a vanilla sugar cookie candle being burnt filled your nostrils, the rest wafting through the air. Anyone would think your family baked with the way they always seem to choose that particular scent regardless of season or weather. Further glancing around, you watched your family's pet cat prance towards you, its furry face wide eyed and complaining to be held. You swear he acted like a dog sometimes.
Guess some things never change.
You just hoped that would've stayed true for a certain someone.
Before you had any more time to dwell on it, you were taken out of your thoughts by the mention of the name you had barely begun to ponder over.
'Speak of the devil', you sighed.
Walking over to the living area, you followed your father picking up your cat on the way, butting in, "Hm? what was that?"
"You remember Toji right?" Nodding your head, your father continued. "We invited him over for dinner tonight."
You paused in your step. "What? Why?" The confusion in your voice was surely noticed. You couldn't exactly say you were unhappy, hell you felt giddy at just the mention of his name, but you were still hung up on the past and weren't ready to face the man that blew off your poor naive, little heart. If you saw his handsome face in person again that's been embarrassingly haunting your dazed mind whenever you're busy writhing and whining atop your soft, cozy sheets—at that dinner table, you might just take the 2 hour car ride back to campus dorms.
You were just a pussy like that. One that couldn't face the culprit of those lingering feelings that had never ceased to falter throughout the years, dead in the eye.
The two quietly glanced at each other at your sudden change in demeanor, eyebrows raised. Before he could continue your mom piped up first, "What do you mean by 'why'? You haven't seen each other in so long. He misses you and I'm sure you two would like to catch up."
"Misses you" You swear your heart might've actually stopped beating. In what world would Toji Fushiguro have missed their friends young daughter after being told straight to their face that they wanted him to fuck her.
"He..misses me?" It sounded a little unbelievable saying it outloud.
"Mhm, after you left for University he asked about you a couple times, wondering when you'd be back to visit," Turning around to walk into the kitchen to get started on dinner, she smiled over her shoulder at you once more, "You must've really left an impression on him."
Nervously laughing you settled your cat down, watching him stride over to sip some water from his bowl.
"Yeah..quite some impression alright."
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Okay. Okay it's fine. Yeah you haven't seen him in years but it's fine! He's just coming over for dinner. You'll greet him with a friendly smile, he'll ask how you've been- or shit, maybe he won't. Maybe he'll just ignore you again like he's already done. Toji mentioning to your parents that he misses you was probably just a misunderstanding and he meant to say the weather has been misty- yeah. Totally plausible.
"What the hell am I doing.." Taking a once-over to look yourself in the mirror, you just finished applying the finishing touches to your makeup, wiping off any excess gloss at the corner of your lips with a q-tip for a sharp finish. Was the gloss necessary given the fact that it was going to be smudged off during dinner anyway?
The answer was yes. Yes It was.
Just because you were having a small dinner that was probably gonna be awkward as hell with a man you've been wanting- didn't want to see, shouldn't mean you couldn't at least look cute.
A sudden faint sound of muffled talking took you out your inner monologue. Putting away your array of makeup displayed on the varnished wood countertop of your vanity, you walked over to the door pressing an ear against it trying to discern what was being said.
'Hm sounds like there's someone else down there..' quietly poking a head out into the hallway you just barely made out a deep yet familiar voice before quickly being startled by your mother calling out your name.
"Hon, come down and greet Toji!"
Fuck. "C–Coming!" straightening up, you calmed your blazing nerves, mentally preparing yourself for the onslaught of awkward tension that your parents luckily knew nothing of. Bless their complete oblivion.
Walking out into the hallway and down the stairs your eyes immediately locked onto Tojis, gaze shyly looking away and focusing onto nothing in particular. You were better off staring at something near him than at him directly.
Approaching towards where they stood, you tried your best to look as confident as possible. You're a woman now. Not some doe. At least that's what you feel like telling yourself at this moment, as you pick at your nails. Standing straighter, you stood next to your parents, watching as they finished up their talk.
You haven't had a proper conversation with Toji since, well...that night. Not counting the usual greetings you had exchanged with him in the past when you saw each other after. If you could even call it that. If a glance of bare acknowledgement was considered a greeting, then sure. Yet here you were right in front of him, determined to set things right. You had to confront him, it was the only way you'd be able to heal the wound of the past and maybe, even let go.
But first, you'll have to actually talk to him.
Deciding to finally look up at Toji, you were able to make out his features more clearly. He hadn't changed much since you last saw him, still very much tall, and his ever so brooding presence never waned. His jaw was somehow even more defined than before, and he was still rocking the same haircut as he always did.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it I guess.
Overall, he looked good. Better. The best. As he most likely always will be in your eyes.
And you're so lost in your own thoughts that you don't even notice Toji looking down at you in the corner of his eye, trying to hold back a smirk that's beginning to creep up. Silly you, ogling him so openly in front of your own parents. Not like they bothered to ever notice though.
Hearing the three of them laugh about something pulled you away from your stupor, and your attention was immediately latched onto Toji who was the first to speak.
Hopefully he didn't notice you being a creep.
"It's been a while, huh? You still remember me?" You know he's only teasing by asking if you still "remembered" him. The old you would've sassed him up for asking something silly like that, but you don't know if its a good idea to get ahead of yourself and start pulling on his leg this early on.
So you opt for the safest response.
With a polite smile on your lips, you shrugged your shoulders, "Of course. It hasn't been that long."
Toji stared at you for a moment. Shit. Did he not like that answer..?
Then you felt something warm come into contact with the top of your head; it was Toji's hand. Toji was petting you. Or more like ruffling your hair—same difference.
"You barely changed."
You exhaled a breath you didn't even know you were holding. A moment longer in silence and you don't think you'd be able to hold back the urge to run back up those stairs, slam the door shut behind you, and scream into your pillow.
Why were you so nervous!? You're never nervous when it comes to Toji.
'What's up with me??''
Regardless, you felt yourself being left annoyed at his comment. Disappointed that he probably still saw you as some kid despite not certainly looking or being one at all for that matter.
Too bad you didn't realize he meant it in a different way.
Even if you tried to hide it, Toji could still make out the way you held your hands behind your back, most likely fidgeting with your nails. Seems you've changed, the thought amusing him. The old you he knew would've pounced on him by now, batting your lashes, staring up starry eyed thinking you were being discreet about it.
Nothing gets past him, especially not when you make it so obvious. One thing that hasn't changed though, are the clothes you seemed to purposely wear around him, and him only.
The moment he saw you walk down those stairs, he knew you had him wrapped around your finger all over again. The too short skirt and see-through slip on you adorned leaving almost nothing to the imagination, if not for the cream colored cardigan you wore hiding the slivers of skin, leaving him wanting more of what was underneath.
'What a damn tease..' But Tojis eyes averted by the time your parents noticed your descend towards them. He didn't exactly want them seeing him ogle their daughter so openly.
Before any one of you could say anything more, your mother cut the greetings short. "Great, now that we're all finished reuniting again, let's start eating before the food gets cold."
Walking a little ways behind you, Toji catched the way your hips swayed as you walked. Whether you were doing it intentionally or not, he couldn't say for sure.
But one thing he was sure about, is that you were going to give him one hell of a hard time.
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The rest of dinner went by quickly. Once you were all seated, your parents and Toji had no problem talking with each other. They were busy discussing something, but your mind was too occupied to actually listen in on what they were saying. Too busy playing around with the food on your plate as your mind ran aimlessly, and foot twitching anxiously.
The night could've been worse. Really, it could've. Sure you haven't made any progress yet, but you'll get there! Overall, nothing particular happened. Except for one thing.
Toji couldn't stop looking at you.
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Before you knew it, dinner had come to an end. Toji had already taken his leave and bid you all a 'thanks for the meal' and a goodbye. Finally. Now you can slip away to your room, wipe off your makeup, and lay awake in your bed as you regret everything you could've said and done tonight but didn't without anyone noticing–
"Where do you think you're going?" There stood your mom, looking at you expectantly. Were you missing something?
"To my room, why?"
"Didn't you hear at dinner?"
'Was I supposed to hear something at dinner?'
"No, hear what exactly?"
"Tomorrow, you're going out to buy some decorations for a party we're having."
A beat of silence. Your eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as you wondered why the hell you would be having a party.
"Mom… I appreciate that you want to host a welcome back party for me, but there's really no need to." It's sweet that they missed you this much, but you weren't one for parties that were centered around you.
She laughed. "No, no, not a party for you. I know you don't like that kinda stuff,"
Oh. Nevermind then.
"Our annual winter get together. We do it every year with the rest of the neighborhood and we're the ones hosting this time. Have all those cup noodles gotten to your head and you suddenly forgot?" She shook her head in disappointment.
Low blow, mom.
"I didn't forget! I just...didn't know you'd be the ones doing it this year."
"If you were actually paying attention at dinner then you'd have heard."
"Sorry. So, tomorrow you want me to go out and buy decor right? Cool, I'll go after lunch."
Thinking that was the end of that, you began to trudge your way towards the staircase. Already almost at the top when your mother called out to you once more.
"Oh! and Toji's accompanying you."
Yup, definitely going to scream into your pillow tonight.
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© SUGUCIDAL 2023 — All rights reserved. Do not copy, modify, or redistribute my work without permission.
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cordeliahrose · 2 years ago
Every time you ask "How do you give offerings?" you will get a different answer. Every tradition and practitioner has their one way. You might start out one way and, as you progress and get more comfortable, discover a better way for you.
Here's a simple, general example:
If you struggle at all with getting distracted, forgetting, or keeping focused, it's a good idea to create a routine for when you plan to give offerings. Things might come up outside of the routine too, but this way you have certain times you know you'll give offerings.
This could be once a week, part of your morning and/or night routine, even once a month. This is entirely up to you, the deity, and what you feel comfortable doing.
As an example, I give offerings for Aphrodite on Fridays. I offer to her on other days too, these are usually spontaneous, but I know Friday is the day I will always give offerings.
Offering Spaces
If you have the means, an offering dish and a candle are good things to include in an altar or offering space. A representation of the deity or spirit might also be a nice addition. These are not necessary, though.
You can create an offering space or temporary altar by just setting a regular cup there with the offering inside. You can, it the case of food or drink offerings, offer to a deity or spirit by consuming the item yourself and letting them know that it is for them. Though, this should be discussed with the deity or spirit beforehand.
What should you say?
You don't need to say anything. You can just hold the spirit's name in your head as you set the offering out. If you choose to say something, it can be anything that makes it known that the offering is for the deity or spirit you intend. Here are some common examples:
~ "[Spirit name] this offering is for you."
~ "This [insert offering] is for you, [spirit name]."
~ "I give this offering to [spirit name]."
~ "I present this offering of [offering] to you, [spirit name]."
~ "Here you go [spirit name]."
~ "[sprite name] this reminded me of you."
If you are offering food or drink through yourself and choose to say something, here are some examples:
~ "I offer this [insert offering] to you [spirit name] through my consumption of it."
~ "This is for [spirit name]."
~ "I invite [spirit name] to enjoy [offering] through me."
Disposal Of Offerings
If the offering is environmentally friendly, you can dispose of it by tossing it outside to return into the Earth.
If it isn't environmentally friendly, it's best to be safe and toss it out in the trash bin. Explain that you aren't aware of a safer way to dispose of it, or discuss it beforehand with the deity or spirit, if you're worried at all of offending them. Though, it wouldn't likely offend them, they are aware of the situation.
If it's a physical object of some sort, you can leave to in the area if possible. If not possible, you can put it up somewhere safe. Maybe keep offerings like this together in a safe place.
Offerings do not have to be food or drink. They can be crystals, flowers, art, reading of something, or any other object.
Offerings do not have to specifically be associated with the spirit in question. This is one way we get UPG.
If anyone who might be reading this is comfortable sharing the way you give offerings, please do so!!
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justalittleb-witchy · 3 months ago
Warding & Protection 101
What is warding?
Warding is the practice of shielding or protecting something, someplace, or someone. There are a million and two different types of wards you can create-- in many ways, you are only limited by your own creativity and knowledge.
Why/when should I use a ward?
I always recommend having, at minimum, a protective ward for yourself and your living space if you practice witchcraft (or something adjacent to witchcraft). What a ward does is dependent on what it was created to do. Different people have different needs, and wards are not one-size fits all. Wards can be generic or specific, but my personal preference is a well-defined ward. By well-defined, I mean "clear in what it will and will not do".
In order to figure out what sort of ward you may need, ask yourself these questions:
What does my practice focus on?
Where might I be vulnerable?
What are my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to witchcraft?
Who and what am I comfortable with having in my space?
When and where am I comfortable with having others in my space?
What do I need to keep out, and what do I need to keep in?
What existing practices/habits may affect my wards? (e.g. cleansing, banishment, rituals, etc.)
Do I have an energy source for a ward? How do I intend to upkeep my wards?
Do my wards need to be moveable or changeable?
What resources are available to me? Are there people or entities that are willing to help me?
What, in my mundane life, do I need help with? What do I need to protect?
What actions am I taking, in my mundane life, to protect myself? (e.g. driving safely, practicing good fire safety habits, etc.)
How to make a ward
As previously stated, there are a million and two different types of wards-- and a million and two different ways to create them. Best practice is generally to lean on your personal strengths and resources to make one. Here are some more specific examples:
Herbalism: A witch who works primarily with herbs could create a protective sachet or jar that is filled with protective herbs.
Kitchen Witchcraft: Someone who practices kitchen witchcraft could cook protective foods, or incorporate small actions into their regular cooking that add protective qualities into their food (i.e. stirring a certain way, routinely using certain ingredients, etc.)
Storm Witchcraft: A witch who works with storms could use the energy of storms to protect their home. They could call on fearsome breezes to blow away harm, rainfall to wash it away, darkness to hide their home, etc.
Glamour witchcraft: A glamour witch can work on how they are perceived. Don't want someone approaching you? Make them afraid of you. Have a fearsome appearance to those who would wish you harm. Make them hesitate. Or hide yourself altogether, as if you were never there.
Deity witchcraft: Ask your gods to guide your hand, to show you how to protect yourself. Ask them to protect you, and clarify what you need protection from.
Green Witchcraft: Grow a plant with the intention of having it take the blow for you, if anything negative gets sent your way. Or have it purify your space.
Divination Wards: Use the energy of specific tarot cards to protect yourself. Write protective runes on things you care about.
Music Witchcraft: Play empowering music. Belt out a song about how nothing can harm you. Hum a tune to make things go away.
Energy Witchcraft: Envision great shields and walls, fortresses and moats. Whatever screams "protection" to you.
Types of Wards/Ideas for Wards
Keep in mind that any ward can be for both the magical and mundane (though, always act with common sense, and act as if your wards do not exist. A ward will not make you immortal, and they can be counteracted and/or destroyed. They are there for when shit hits the fan-- but they are not a free pass to start throwing shit AT the fan!)
Transmutative wards: Tranform harmful energy sent your way into something positive and useful. (e.g. negative rumors -> increased opportunities, bad intentions -> abundance)
Baneful wards: If someone hits you, hit them back. Reflect whatever they sent to you back on them, and thensome.
Banishment Wards: If something steps into your space, kick it back out.
Hiding Wards: Hide something from prying eyes. Make it invisible, or make it appear boring/uninteresting.
Reflective wards: Reflect something's image back at them, let them see what they expect to see, or let them see themselves.
Healing wards: Protect your health, or force healing upon those who brush up against them (e.g. if someone lashes out at you because they have not been working on themselves, a healing ward can be just as painful as an outright baneful one.)
Scrambling/maze Wards: Scramble any information someone/something gets, or make them lose their way. Commonly used for unsolicited divination.
Protective wards/wall wards: Stop anything from getting in or out. Stop or prevent harm
Alarm bell wards: Warn you about things coming your way.
Comfort wards: Keep comforting/soothing energy around you.
Examples of Useful Wards
Name/Reputation wards
Household/common places wards
Wards for safe travels
Wards to keep specified spirits/entities out
Wards for malicious intent
Wards for curses/hexes
Wards for natural disasters
Wards for misfortunes
Please feel free to ask any specific questions you may have, this is only a very brief overview to introduce the topic.
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travelingthief · 6 months ago
Ares Resource List
Homeric Hymn to Ares
Holy Theurgy
Eclectic Witchcraft
Mythology Source
Orphic Hymn to Ares
World History
Tumblr Posts
Ares Deep Dive 
Ares Worship 101
Devotional Acts and Offerings
Devotional Act Ideas
Low Energy Devotional Acts
Neat Post
Subtle Worship
The Ancients - Ares
Tea With the Gods - Not Your God of War
Ares (2)
Ares Devotional Playlist
Ares, God of War
Greek Gods: Ares
Ares: Violence Personified
A Case for Community SPG: Ares and Mental Health
Deity Work - Ares
Full Ritual and Offering to Ares
Messed Up Origins
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creature-wizard · 4 months ago
Info For Beginner Witches!
This is basically a masterpost for content relevant to new witches. A lot of it of it's stuff I wrote but I'll also link to material written by other people if I think it's useful.
Practice & Technique
Magical Correspondences 101
Closet Witchcraft: How To Get Witchy When You Can't Come Out Of The Broom Closet
How To Practice: Divination With Dice!
An approach to deity/entity work for the sort of people this sort of thing would work for
Manifestation Without Woo (a compassionate psychological approach to manifestation)
Non-Competitive Affirmations
No, you can't tell anything about a person from their natal chart.
A Brief Introduction to Energy Work
Energy Work On The Body: Hittin' The Right Spots For Tension Relief
Research & Critical Thinking
Information Literacy Basics
How to research
Distinguishing Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice
Critical Thinking: Definition, Examples, & Skills
Caution & Critical Thinking In Divination
10 Questions To Distinguish Real From Fake Science
Search for information on any witchy topic here!
"A weird thing just happened, does this mean anything? Is it an omen?"
Practicing discernment: Some ways of testing and ruling out the mundane
Research Tip: Remember the Five W's!
How conspiracy peddlers and cult recruiters make you feel like you're "thinking for yourself" when you're actually not
Remember a Previous Life? Maybe You Have a Bad Memory
Why fighting pseudohistory matters
Scams, Hoaxes, Conspiracy Theories, & Cults Everyone Should Know About
On people who assert "things are done this way for a reason!"
Dogmatism is not the solution to cultural appropriation
Some beliefs you might have to deconstruct as an ex-Christian
How the "divine feminine" and the "divine masculine" perpetuate patriarchy - and what we can do about it
Avoiding Harmful Stuff & Staying Safe
Recognizing the difference between real history and pseudohistory
Is the spiritual person a conspiracy theorist? A list of red flags
List of red flags to watch out for when joining a coven or online group
Beware of charisma mirrors
When your right to say no is entirely hypothetical
Dog whistles and symbols to watch out for
Eugenicist and bioessentialist beliefs about magic
What is spiritual eugenics?
Toxic Individualism In Modern Witchcraft
New Age beliefs that derive from racist pseudoscience
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is Racist and Harmful
Allyship does not mean seeing yourself as worthless
The rules about responding to call outs aren’t working
Debunking the Pervasive Myths About Medieval Witch Hunts
Debunking Myths About Easter/Ostara
Just How Pagan is Christmas, Really?
The Origins of the Christmas Tree
No, Santa Claus Is Not Inspired By Odin
Why Prehistoric Matriarchy Wasn’t a Thing (A Brief Explanation)
Why Did The Patriarchal Greeks And Romans Worship Such Powerful Goddesses?
No, Athena Didn't Turn Medusa Into A Monster To Protect Her
Who Was the First God?
Were Ancient Civilizations Conservative Or Liberal?
PODCAST RECS - Debunking and Fact-Checking for Witches & Witchcraft Spaces
Angela's Symposium (YouTube channel about modern esotericism and witchcraft by Dr. Angela Puca)
ESOTERICA (YouTube channel about the history of Western esotericism by Dr. Justin Sledge)
ReligionForBreakfast (YouTube channel about religion run by Dr. Andrew Henry)
Let's Talk Religion (YouTube channel run by Filip Holm, lots of Islamic content but also lots of other stuff)
OceanKeltoi (Norse Heathenry)
Jackson Crawford (Norse Heathenry)
Conservation & Ecology
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Explained (all USian witches should read this, it most likely affects you)
How the Rage for Sage Threatens Native American Traditions and Recipes
(This post is unrebloggable because I plan to use it as a reference post to link, and may add/remove things to it over time.)
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abyssalpeach · 19 days ago
in the case of the people vs. bell's hells...
and also the campaign 3 finale overall. disclaimer: this is gonna get long bc of my propensity to yap so i'm gonna simultaneously try to keep it short but also put it under a "read more." spoilers will be referenced throughout.
i wouldn't call these rent-lowering gunshots, but i desperately need some of the folks in this fandom to get a grip. so instead i'm asking: walk with me. hold my hand. i am looking you in the eyes and want this fandom to be a nice place. please forgive me for any attitude but i am tired of being talked down to.
"they never faced any consequences" consequences are the result bad dice rolls. of which they had plenty. if you think their narrative choices should have resulted in more punishment, say that. but i think you missed the part where they have targets on their back from several factions and now-mortal deities and you need to kill the cop in your head.
"it was too confusing and the pacing was bad" i don't even disagree with this takeaway. i will say this was actually the easiest campaign for me to follow. m9 is so fun, but was very narratively scattered at times. however, i think this is just the nature of ttrpg/actual play. it's not scripted. it's messy and sometimes you'll zone out about it. sometimes what the players want isn't what grabs you personally. it doesn't mean they're wrong or bad to play it that way.
"i fell off c3 and everything i've heard about the finale is stupid" fall off, then. totally fine, i'm not here to stop you, sincerely. and not to hurl cliches, but with tabletop it really is more about the journey than the destination. without context, you are missing too many pieces to pass judgement. that's all i'm gonna say on that.
"the other PCs were just so much better" i gotta say this one seems like a skill issue lol. there's not a single party i haven't loved with my whole heart, but they satisfy different purposes or dynamics! vm was destined for greatness. m9 was destined to pull important strings. bh was destined to shake up the order of things. they were supposed to be controversial in-world. they're salt of the earth, rising far beyond their stations ever expected. they became important at work and it very nearly ruined their lives.
"it was like sitting in a philosophy 101 class" praytell what philosophy classes that you've sat in discussed the ethics of magic, direct divine involvement in human* lives, and potential outcomes that would come along with killing all the gods or releasing something called the god-eater. look. i grew weary with the rehashing of these conversations too, really i did. that said, i think it needed to play out this way in order for the finale to go the way it did.
allow me to explain. one of the defining qualities of bell's hells was how different they all were. whether it's their perspectives, life experiences, backgrounds, desires, aspirations... you get it. this was the point. they were bound together by compassion and love for each other. and this extended to those they stood for personally, and those their friends cared about. it was how they approached ruidus, the gods, the people of vasselheim. and they walked the walk and trusted the process, prepared to face anything. including death.
*obviously including all exandrian/ruidian races beyond just human
"the finale cheapened the ending of vox machina" it didn't. i'm sorry but it very fundamentally did not and if that's your takeaway from a change of circumstance ~30 years down the line, i am worried that you are too lost in the sauce due to favoritism. if your takeaway from vax being allowed to return to the material plane is that now his conclusion from 30 years ago was just him going on a work trip, that is a you problem.
the narrative doesn't treat it like that. the characters don't treat it like that. the cast doesn't treat it like that. let me repeat myself: if you think vax's c1 ending is now nothing more than a glorified work trip, that is a you problem.
life goes on. the state of the world is changing constantly, especially in a world with gods and magic and different planes of existence. matt allowed these players to have direct involvement in the ways it changes. if vax was allowed to return in some capacity as a result of those changes, the cast made that happen. it wasn't even on bell's hells priority list! this was a natural change of circumstance. if that's the kind of thing you find upsetting, maybe unpack that elsewhere.
i'm gonna wrap it up here but i hope you keep this in mind: if you don't like a thing anymore, you can absolutely drop it. you don't need anyone's permission. but what i ask is that if you want to engage in thoughtful conversation and criticism about it, you keep these things in mind.
i don't believe this show or cast to be above criticism. i have plenty of critiques of my own. but the campaign three finale was the opposite of bad. it was the most satisfying conclusion we could have possibly gotten. it was the culmination of the last 3 years with almost everyone who encountered bell's hells and honored the last 10 years of their hard work. i am so so proud of matt and the cast and i think you should be too.
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witchcraftandmayhem · 7 months ago
This is a way for people new to my page to find things easier! I make a lot of witchcraft posts for baby witches but also like to repost a variety of unrelated things. So if you're here for some witchcraft 101 try out these links below!
These are in order top to bottom. You don't have to but I Suggest you start from the top if you are new to witchcraft.
Things I wish I learned
Mistreatment of Romani culture
Cultural appropriation
Not a post I made but it's very important
Fire safety
Witchcraft on a budget
Supplies That Can Be Found in Nature
LED Candles Work!
What it means to be a witch
You can be a witch and..
Not everything is ancient
What is magic?
Impactful Magic
Baneful magic
What's a wand?
How to create spells
A spell for the new year
Dandelions are magical
Ways I use Lavender
Ways I Use Tea
Making an altar/ritual space
An altar with no deity
Different ways to use divination
Smoke Cleansing Alternatives
Make your craft your own
The truth about crystals
Greed and capitalism in witchcraft
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alterlest · 1 year ago
𓃶 Hearth Magic 101
⛤ Please note!!! this post will contain my personal gnosis at some points. Magic is intimately personal and everyone’s practice is different. You may agree or disagree with me at any point during this post. However, while I am sharing this to be educational, please keep in mind that this is my personal outlook on this subject ♡
𓃶 What Is Hearth Magic?
Hearth Magic, at its core, is magic of the home. This kind of magic differs greatly between families, cultures and traditions. When starting Hearth Magic, you must take a moment to really think about what home is to you. Your hearth can be anywhere, but generally, the hearth is seen as a place of comfort, growth, and rest.
Taking care of your home has always been important and even sacred for many people. Taking care of it magically is just another way of respecting this place that takes care of you. Your home is somewhere that protects you and those you invite in. Personally, Hearth Magic is almost like showing your gratitude to this familiar place. I would suggest doing research into how the home is taken care of in your own cultures, or watch how others in your life take care of their home and take notes!
𓃶 How can I Practice Hearth Magic?
Just like any kind of magic, Hearth Magic will be something you incorporate into your practice in your own ways. To get started, however, here are some things you can do to:
⛤ Get into the habit of cleansing your space. This can be your whole home, or just the one specific place you consider the hearth (a bedroom, living space, kitchen, fireplace etc). You can also cleanse while doing day to day chores! incorporate moon water or intention while washing dishes, or do an herb sweep when cleaning your floors. Brooms are also important magical tools!
⛤ Try a house or home blessing/spell. For me, I made a large spell jar and incorporated ingredients commonly used in my family’s cooking, our yard, and local herbs/herbs we use a lot. This can be used as an invitation for positive energy, or a ward against negativity. This will really help set the energy of the space.
⛤ Start incorporating magic into your cooking. Kitchen magic is an easy and convenient way to keep your life a little more magical. Try adding herbs to sauces with intention, or cook in honor of spirits or deities. Easy foods to incorporate kitchen magic into (at least personally!) include sauces, soups, baked goods, and pasta dishes.
⛤ Start to decorate your home in a way that makes you happy. This doesn’t have to be any specific aesthetic; just making your space somewhere you enjoy being through decor adds to the energy!
⛤ If you like spirit work, consider the possibility that, if you live in a house, there may be a house spirit attached to the space. This can give you an extra opportunity to connect to this space and the spirits within it by honoring this entity.
⛤ In all, Hearth Magic can be a very grounding and important part of your magical path if you plan to practice it. It allows you to really grow in a familiar and comfortable space, as well as providing you with a comfortable place to come back to every day, even for mundane life. ♡
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